
Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Thanks for visiting me in my little corner of the blogging world. It will take some time for me to figure this all out, but it's always nice to learn new things. I hope you all are having a Happy Holiday season. I made many, many Christmas ornies this year, and I'm anxious to start making some things for Valentine's day....stay tuned. It looks like we'll have some more snow tomorrow for New Year's Eve. Some in our state are still recovering from the bad ice storm of 12/12/08. The ice was surely beautiful as you can see from the pictures I took, but the loss of power was a different story.


  1. Hello there!
    This is the first time I have ever looked at a blog and I am so glad it is yours. I've signed myself up for a blog as well, so now I will have to get educated and learn how to use it.
    I love your slide show and I recognize some of the wonderful work. Great job, Thymentide!
    All the best, BD

  2. Gosh, what great photos! Beautiful! I haven't ever visited a blog either, where have I been???

